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API Reference
Wallet v1
API Reference
Liminal overview
Liminal wallets
Liminal features
Join multiple organisations with a single account
Switch between organisations in Vaults platform
Switch between organisations in mobile app
User roles and teams
Delete a user
Gas Station
Enable and edit auto gas refill
Update Gas Station rules
Enable or disable Gas Station rules
View Gas Station balance
Refill your Gas Station
View transaction history
Withdraw funds from Gas Station
Refill Solana or Tron Sprayer
Set up balance alerts for Gas Station
Digital asset consolidation
Consolidate wallet assets API
Automate asset consolidation
Liminal Smart Consolidation
Set up Smart Consolidation Rule
Liminal Firewall
Travel Rule policy
Transaction Risk policy
Transfers policy
Set up Liminal Firewall
Approve transactions
Smart Refill Wallet
Set up your Smart Refill Wallet
Push a refill transaction
Anomaly Detection policy
Stake Solana assets in Liminal Vaults
Stake Solana assets
Stake Cardano assets in Liminal Vaults
Stake Cardano assets
Unstake Cardano assets
Exchange account integration
Set up your Binance main account
Set up your Binance sub account
Receive funds into your Binance main account
Send funds from your Binance main account
Onboard your organisation in Liminal Vaults
Create an owner account
Add users to your organisation
Install and sign up on the mobile app
Additional details
Create hot wallets
Create hot MPC deposit and withdrawal wallets
Create a warm MPC wallet
Set up your multisig wallet
Set up a cold multisig wallet
Update for Bitcoin transactions on Ledger
Recover your BNB Beacon chain assets
Build with Liminal
Exchange Guide
Vaults UI guides
Transfer funds from a warm MPC wallet
Transfer funds from a multisig wallet
Manage your transaction policies
Set an admin quorum for policy approvals
Whitelist an address
Add a spending limit
Add a transaction limit
Approve policies
Rescan missing transactions
Speed up delayed transactions
View hot wallets in Liminal Vaults
Set up wallet balance alerts
Search and filter alerts
Add a new balance alert
View details of an alert
Edit, disable, or delete an alert
Delink a hardware device
Operate EVM multisig wallets outside Liminal Vaults
Offer staking services to your customers
Whitelist smart contract addresses for deposit wallets
Liminal Wallets: Derivation Path Strategy
Travel Rule
Set up your account in Notabene
Generate client ID and secret in Notabene
Configure Travel Rule in Vaults
Send a transaction with Travel Rule
Integrate with TRM Labs
Sign up on TRM Labs
Enable TRM Labs in Vaults
best practices
Save gas fees in UTXO consolidation