The Create transaction requests v2 API reference is updated by improving the API description and response body.
Liminal has released new production environment version v1.2.0 of Liminal Express. To learn about the changes in this version, see Version v1.2.0 (Prod).
The default value of minimum consolidation balance threshold for tokens is changed from 10 USD to 4 USD in the Default address balance thresholds table. The value is updated due to a dip in the network gas fee for Ethereum.
A new API reference document is added for the Retrieve all transaction by status API. This API is used to fetch all transactions across all wallets based on their current status.
The following API reference docs are recently updated:
- Consolidation API error responses - Added the Skipped address errors section in the document. The table consists of the error messages that you receive in the API response, error explanation, and solution.
- Retrieve hot wallet transactions - Updated the API title and added the
object in the request body.
A new Update your MPC server guide is added under the API Reference tab. By following the steps in this guide, you can update your existing MPC server.
is added for the Docker container, which is used for v2 withdrawal wallets. This is the interval at which the CRON job runs in Liminal for submitting fully approved Firewall transactions. See Update Liminal Express for more clarity.
The following API reference docs are recently updated:
- Retrieve pending transactions - Updated the API description, request, and response body.
- Consolidate wallet assets - Updated the API response body.
The CloudFormation script URLs for the testing and development environments are updated in the Deploy MPC on AWS server document.
The deployment guide—Deploy MPC on your AWS server is updated by adding the following statements to steps 11 and 12, respectively:
- It is advised to select t3.large to avoid the risk of failure.
- It is advised to select m5.large to avoid the risk of failure.