Receive webhook requests

The structure of the Receive webhook requests contains several fields that provide information about the transaction.


You can identify a webhook request using the parameters–type, coin/token. These parameters are described as follows:

  • type: This is the name of the event. For example, "Receive".
  • coin: This is the type of native coin transaction. This field isn’t populated if this event is of a token transaction, such as ERC20 assets like USDT. An example of coin is "eth".
  • token: This is the name of the token involved in the transaction. If coins are involved in the transaction, then this field isn’t populated. This field isn’t populated if the event is of a native coin transaction, such as "eth". An example of token is "UNI".

Note: In a webhook response, when tokens are transmitted, the parameter tokenContractAddress is populated.

The following is a sample payload of the "Receive" webhook request.

    id: 1965382,
    txid: '0x62eaf9706dac678d8daf672259c44a22e13c7f73b62c6240bd8b5719764d9ae8',
    raw: null,
    walletid: 2876,
    type: ‘Receive’,
    fee: '0.00824932',
    effectivechange: '4.00000000',
    runningbalance: null,
    timestamp: '2023-10-05T07:20:29.000Z',
    externaladdress: '0x505e71695e9bc45943c58adec1650577bca68fd9',
    coin: 'USDT',
    effectivechangeusd: '4.00000',
    wallet: {
        id: 2876,
        name: 'Lightning Nodes Deposit POLYGON',
        type: 'pipeline',
        config: '2of2',
        balance: '0.00000000',
        address: '0x6d3E8E04f8F178eF755627546aA84Fca4397B20b',
        coin: 'MATIC',
        chain: 'POLYGON',
        parentchain: 'EVM',
        subtype: 'deposit',
        isArchived: 0,
        orgid: 864,
        balanceUSD: '0.00000000',
        orgWebhook: ''
    tokenContractAddress: '0xc2132D05D31c914a87C6611C10748AEb04B58e8F',
    sequenceId: '',
    explorerLink: '',
    inputs: [
            address: '0x505e71695e9bc45943c58adec1650577bca68fd9',
            amount: '0.00000000',
            isMine: false
    outputs: [
            address: '0x1963159d1f64538b5dc105d4498d248d615ae57c',
            amount: '4.00000000',
            isMine: true,
            wallet: {
                id: 2876,
                name: 'Lightning Nodes Deposit POLYGON',
                type: 'pipeline',
                config: '2of2',
                balance: '0.00000000',
                address: '0x6d3E8E04f8F178eF755627546aA84Fca4397B20b',
                coin: 'MATIC',
                chain: 'POLYGON',
                parentchain: 'EVM',
                subtype: 'deposit',
                isArchived: 0,
                orgid: 864,
                balanceUSD: '0.00000000',
                orgWebhook: ''

ObjectParameterData typeDescriptionExample value
idIntegerUnique identifier of the event1965382
txidStringUnique identifier of the transaction0x62eaf9706dac678d8daf672259c44a22e13c7f73b62c6240bd8b5719764d9ae8
rawStringStores memo for the supported chains, else nullnull
walletIdint32Unique identifier of the wallet2876
typeStringThis is a type of send or receive transaction. If its value is “internal”, you can ignore it, as it is an internally occurring webhook.send, receive, internal
feeStringFee associated with the transaction0.00824932
effectivechangedecimal(28,8)Number of coins or tokens4.00000000
timestampStringDate and time when the transaction was initiated2023-10-05T07:20:29.000Z
externaladdressStringIn case of a receive transaction, this represents the source address.
In case of a send transaction, this represents the target address.
coinStringType of cryptocurrency involved in the transactionUSDT
effectivechangeusddecimal(18,5)Amount in the USD4.00000
walletidint32Unique identifier of the wallet2876
walletnameStringName of the walletLightning Nodes Deposit POLYGON
wallettypeStringType of walletpipeline
walletconfigStringConfiguration of the wallet2of2
walletbalancedecimal(28,8)Total balance of the wallet0.00000000
walletaddressStringUnique address of the wallet0x6d3E8E04f8F178eF755627546aA84Fca4397B20b
walletcoinStringNative coin of the wallet chainMATIC
walletchainStringBlockchain network of the walletPOLYGON
walletparentchainStringParent blockchain network of the chain where the wallet operatesEVM
walletsubtypeStringSubtype of the wallet from where the transaction is initiateddeposit
walletisArchivedBooleanThis indicates whether the wallet is archived or not. "1" refers to true, whereas, "0" refers to false.0
walletorgidIntegerUnique identifier of the exchange organization that was created in Admin Panel864
walletbalanceUSDdecimal(18,8)Total balance of the wallet in USD0.00000000
walletorgWebhookStringWebhook URL setup on client side
tokenContractAddressStringThe contract address of the token for which the transaction takes place.0xc2132D05D31c914a87C6611C10748AEb04B58e8F
sequenceIdStringThis is the unique identifier of the transaction sequence. Sequence ID is associated with a send transaction.93544241-c00e-c754-3bd0-494567a67ee8
explorerLinkStringThis is a URL of a web-based tool that allows users to view and search blockchain transactions, blocks, addresses, and other relevant information.
inputsaddressStringWallet address from where the transaction is initiated0x505e71695e9bc45943c58adec1650577bca68fd9
inputsamountIntegerTotal amount of the transaction0.00000000
inputsisMineBooleanIndicates whether the source address belongs to the transaction initiator or nottrue
outputsaddressStringWallet address where the transaction is received0x1963159d1f64538b5dc105d4498d248d615ae57c
outputsamountIntegeramount of cryptocurrency received at the output address4.00000000
outputsisMineBooleanIndicates whether the destination address belongs to the user or nottrue
outputs > walletsidint32Unique identifier of the destination wallet2876
outputs > walletsnameStringName of the destination walletLightning Nodes Deposit POLYGON
outputs > walletstypeStringType of the destination walletpipeline
outputs > walletsconfigStringConfiguration of the destination wallet2of2
outputs > walletsbalancedecimal(28,8)Total balance of the destination wallet0.00000000
outputs > walletsaddressStringBlockchain address to which the transaction is sent0x6d3E8E04f8F178eF755627546aA84Fca4397B20b
outputs > walletscoinStringType of cryptocurrency held in the destination walletMATIC
outputs > walletschainStringType of blockchain network associated with the walletPOLYGON
outputs > walletsparentchainStringParent blockchain of the chain where the destination wallet operatesEVM
outputs > walletssubtypeStringSubtype of the destination walletdeposit
outputs > walletsisArchivedBooleanIndicates whether the destination wallet is archived or not0
outputs > walletsorgidIntegerUnique identifier of the exchange organization which is created in Admin Panel864
outputs > walletsbalanceUSDdecimal(18,8)Total balance of the destination wallet in USD0.00000000
outputs > walletsorgwebhookStringWebhook URL setup on client side

You can view webhook status code, request and response body, and other details in the webhook dashboard within Vaults, as shown below. To learn more about webhook dashboard, see View and manage your webhooks.