Update your MPC version

Update your Multi-party Computation (MPC) version to ensure optimal functionality and compatibility with the latest features and plugins. Assign a DevOps specialist from your organisation to help with deploying MPC infrastructure on AWS using the following steps.


  • Ensure to back up the snapshot of EC2 and RDS. This step is crucial to help fall back to the previous version due to unexpected errors.
  • Ensure that you are using the latest version of Liminal Express. Use the curl http://localhost:8000/info command to check your current Liminal Express version. The version should be the latest as per the Liminal Express API changelog document.

Take the following steps to update your MPC version.

  1. Stop and remove the existing MPC and Liminal Express containers which are running in Docker.
    To stop and remove the Docker containers, run the following commands in your command line tool, replacing container_id with your actual container ID.
# docker ps
# docker stop container_id_1 && docker rm container_id_1
# docker stop container_id_2 && docker rm container_id_2

  1. Update the config.toml file by replacing the IP address in Players.1 with, as shown in the following screenshot.

  1. Replace the MPC Docker image in the docker-compose.yml file with the following image.

Your final docker-compose.yml file should look like the following:

version: "3.8"
    restart: always
    image: nexus.sepior.net:19001/tsm-node:62.2.2
      - "8000:8000"
      - "9000:9000"
      - tsm
      - CONFIG_FILE=/config/config.toml
      - ./config/config.toml:/config/config.toml

  1. Update the express.sh file by replacing the existing TSM_VERSION value with 62 in the file.

  1. Pull and run the MPC Docker image specified in the docker-compose.yml file using the following command.
# docker compose up -d



  • Run the following command only if there are permission issues in pulling the new MPC image.

echo "3nlP91DZTIVZCe4BPvViE1uUiawWN6xr" | /usr/bin/docker login nexus.sepior.net:19001 --username=shivam --password-stdin

  1. Run the Liminal Express container using the following command to execute the Liminal SDK.

  1. Check the logs of both containers for errors if any.
# docker ps
# docker logs container_id_1 
# docker logs container_id_2 

  1. Notify Liminal to update the MPC node version associated with your API user's public key to version 62.
  2. Perform a test transaction to verify if everything is working as expected.