Retrive a list of consolidated transactions

This API furnishes details regarding the list of input addresses where consolidation transactions are set to take place.

Quick Navigation: Function Index

  1. Get Consolidation Results for Native Coin
  2. Get Consolidation Results for Token


Differences between the Consolidate Transaction API and the Get Unconsolidated API:

For GetConsolidated API: This API provides us with information about the list of input addresses where consolidation transactions will occur. It is a read-only API that offers a preview of the consolidation transactions.

For Consolidate Transaction API: This API not only runs the GetConsolidated API internally but also performs signing and broadcasting. It executes three operations in a single event.

1. Get Unconsolidation Transactions for Native Coin

This provides us with a comprehensive list of all consolidated transactions.

Example Request Body

        "coin": "eth",

2. Get Unconsolidation Transactions for Token

Example Request Body

        "coin": "eth",



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