Create a hot wallet

This API is a request to create a new withdrawal or deposit hot wallet for your organisation, in either v1 or v2 wallet format. A v2 wallet supports team management and Liminal Firewall, making it ideal for new organisations. You can also create multiple hot wallets specifically for EVM and UTXO chains.

If you need to maintain compatibility with your existing organisational setup, you can use this API to create a v1 wallet. A v1 wallet is a legacy wallet that is not supported by Liminal Firewall. To create a v1 wallet, ensure to add the key pair "walletVersion":"1" in the API request body. If the wallet version is not provided, the API will default to creating a v2 wallet.

If you are a new organisation looking to create a v2 wallet, contact Liminal support at [email protected] for assistance. If you are an existing organisation with v1 wallets that were created on or before July 4, 2024, and wish to create v2 wallets, make sure to inform Liminal first. Aditionally, existing organisations need to update Liminal Express and use the latest docker image.

To learn more about v1 and v2 wallets, see Wallet v1 and v2. To learn more about Liminal Firewall, see Liminal Firewall.

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!