The Consolidate Transaction feature enables you to sweep or consolidate funds from all input addresses into a designated destination wallet.



Designed specifically for deposit wallet operations.


Important Considerations for Consolidation

Ensure the target address is whitelisted.
Set up your consolidation rule effectively. Refer to our Consolidation Rule Configuration Guide.
Properly configure your Gas Station. Follow our Gas Station Configuration Guide.

Quick Navigation: Function Index

  1. Bulk Consolidation Transactions with UTXO-Based Chain Wallets
  2. Single Input Address Consolidation with UTXO-based Chain Wallets
  3. Bulk Consolidation with Non-UTXO-Based Chain Wallets
  4. Single Address Consolidation with Non-UTXO-Based Chain Wallet
  5. Bulk Consolidation for Token Transactions on Non-UTXO Chains
  6. Bulk Consolidation for All Tokens

Bulk Consolidation Transactions with UTXO-Based Chain Wallets

The Consolidate Transaction feature enables you to sweep or consolidate funds from all input addresses into a designated destination wallet. This process can be customised based on the consolidation rule you've set (refer to our Consolidation Rule Configuration Guide for instructions).

In the event that no specific rule has been set, this API will default to the standard rule parameters established by Liminal.

UTXO-Based Chains:
Bitcoin (BTC)
Bitcoin Cash

Example Request Body

        "coin": "btc",
        "feeRate": "5"

The targetAddress parameter refers to the address of the target wallet (typically a cold wallet) to which funds will be transferred following the consolidation process. It's important to ensure that this address has been whitelisted by the owner or admin via the UI. For instructions on how to whitelist an address, please refer to our Whitelisting Guide.

The sequenceID is a unique identifier that is assigned to each transfer transaction at the time of its creation. This identifier is indispensable for the execution of the transfer, as the transaction cannot be processed without it. The sequenceID serves as a key tool for tracking the status of transfer transactions, making it a vital element in the transaction process. It's important to note that the sequenceID is a mandatory parameter for initiating transfers. With the help of sequenceID, tracking the status of transfer transactions becomes a straightforward task.

Single Input Address Consolidation with UTXO-based Chain Wallets

This section pertains to scenarios where a client wishes to consolidate funds from a singular user deposit address. In such cases, the fromAddress parameter needs to be included in the API call. This parameter specifies the exact user deposit address from which the funds will be consolidated.

Example Request Body

        "coin": "btc",


Bulk Consolidation with Non-UTXO-Based Chain Wallets

The Liminal Express API offers a feature for bulk consolidation of transactions using non-UTXO-based chain wallets, specifically for native coins. This API call enables the sweeping of funds from all user deposit addresses to a designated target address. The process amalgamates smaller cryptocurrency amounts into a single, larger transaction, thereby enhancing the efficiency of wallet management.

Non-UTXO Chains:
Polygon (Matic)
Binance Smart Chain
COSMOSHUB-4 (Cosmos)
Ripple (XRP)
Tezos (XTZ)
Stellar Lumens (XLM)

Example Request Body

        "coin": "eth",

Single Address Consolidation with Non-UTXO-Based Chain Wallet

The Liminal Express API also caters to scenarios where clients wish to consolidate funds from a single user deposit address when using non-UTXO-based chain wallets. In such cases, the fromAddress parameter needs to be included in the API call. This feature allows for targeted consolidation, enhancing the flexibility and control over fund management.

Example Request Body

        "coin": "eth",

Bulk Consolidation for Token Transactions on Non-UTXO Chains

Liminal's solution simplifies the process of bulk consolidation transactions for tokens on non-UTXO based chains, such as Ethereum. It efficiently combines multiple token transfers into a single transaction, managing gas fees and ensuring balance sufficiency, thereby reducing complexity and cost.

Example Request Body

        "coin": "eth",


Guidelines for Address Consolidation

To consolidate all user deposit addresses, simply omit the fromAddress field. However, if you aim to consolidate a specific address, ensure you include the fromAddress in your API call.

Bulk Consolidation for All Tokens

The consolidation feature has been enhanced to improve efficiency in managing multiple assets within a single wallet. This update introduces a new optional property, allAssets, which allows users to consolidate all assets in a wallet simultaneously.

Example Request Body:

        "coin": "eth",
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!