Consolidate wallet assets API
The API is used to transfer digital assets from addresses in your deposit wallet and consolidate them into the destination wallet.
- For UTXO chains, you can consolidate upto 50 addresses in a single transaction.
- For non-UTXO chains, each address requires a separate transaction. The consolidation API is used once to initiate the process, but each address involved will need its own individual transaction to complete consolidation.
You can perform the following operations in the Consolidate wallet assets API reference page.
Consolidate native coins from a UTXO wallet
- Consolidate native coins from all addresses – Consolidate native coins from multiple addresses of a UTXO deposit wallet into the destination wallet. Check out the API request body titled as
- Consolidate native coins from a single address – Consolidate native coins from a single address of a UTXO deposit wallet into the destination wallet. Check out the API request body titled as
Consolidate native coins from a non-UTXO wallet
- Consolidate native coins from all addresses – Consolidate native coins from a bulk of addresses of a non-UTXO deposit wallet into the destination wallet. Check out the API request body titled as
- Consolidate native coins from a single address – Consolidate native coins from a single address of a non-UTXO deposit wallet into the destination wallet. Check out the API request body titled as
Consolidate tokens from a wallet
- Consolidate a single token from a non-UTXO chain wallet – Consolidate tokens from a bulk of addresses of a non-UTXO deposit wallet into the destination wallet. Check out the API request body titled as
- Consolidate different tokens from a non-UTXO chain wallet – Consolidate all types of tokens from multiple addresses of a non-UTXO deposit wallet into the destination wallet. Check out the API request body titled as
Updated 5 months ago