Exchange account integration
Add and manage your exchange accounts.
In Liminal Vaults, within your organisation, you can integrate exchange accounts like Binance, to manage your digital assets across multiple exchanges. This allows you to easily transfer funds between different exchange accounts and monitor balances in real-time. Liminal Vaults supports various exchange accounts, categorised as main and sub accounts.
Main accounts serve as the primary accounts on an exchange for deposits and withdrawals. Sub accounts are designed to secure large funds and segregate assets across different accounts or teams. While sub accounts aren’t used for direct deposits or withdrawals, they are linked to main accounts, allowing fund transfers between them. These transfers are off-chain, and do not require network fees. Note that direct transfers between sub-accounts are not supported in Liminal Vaults.
- Liminal currently supports integration with Binance.
- Contact the Liminal Sales team at to enable this feature for your organisation in Liminal Vaults.
Refer to the following guides to manage your exchange accounts:
Updated 25 days ago