Get Address Balance

This API retrieves the wallet balance from the user's deposit address.

Quick Navigation: Function Index

  1. Retrieving the Balance of a Native Coin Address
    1. Single Address Query
    2. Paginated Query
  2. Retrieving the Balance of a Token Address
    1. Single Address Query
    2. Paginated Query

Retrieving the Balance of a Native Coin Address

  1. Single Address Query - This method returns the balance of a specific address.
  2. Paginated Query - This method returns the balances of a range of addresses, provided by index.

1. Single Address Query

curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'Authorization: Basic d2hETzR3bmhYaEdLVXp4Ulo2R2dJcVJYT2RXTzU4ODc6eGRuV2MxNjY0cGhKSjZXMWpudXdHalRxWm53MWZna3RUNUpqd2E0UFlMTkluLVlTRjl6OEJiTTByeDN1NTg4Nw==' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
        "coin": "eth",

Request Body

        "coin": "eth",

Response Body


2. Paginated Query

curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'Authorization: Basic d2hETzR3bmhYaEdLVXp4Ulo2R2dJcVJYT2RXTzU4ODc6eGRuV2MxNjY0cGhKSjZXMWpudXdHalRxWm53MWZna3RUNUpqd2E0UFlMTkluLVlTRjl6OEJiTTByeDN1NTg4Nw==' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
        "coin": "eth",

Request Body

        "coin": "eth",

Response Body


Retrieving the Balance of a Token Address:

This method includes an additional parameter, isTokenBalance. When set to true, it retrieves the balance of a Token. Here's how to get the balance of a Token address:

  1. Single Address Query - Retrieves the balance of a specific Token address.
  2. Paginated Query - Retrieves the balances of a range of Token addresses, provided by index.

1. Single Address Query

cURL Request

curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'Authorization: Basic d2hETzR3bmhYaEdLVXp4Ulo2R2dJcVJYT2RXTzU4ODc6eGRuV2MxNjY0cGhKSjZXMWpudXdHalRxWm53MWZna3RUNUpqd2E0UFlMTkluLVlTRjl6OEJiTTByeDN1NTg4Nw==' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
        "coin": "eth",

Request Body

        "coin": "eth",

Response Body


2. Paginated Query

cURL Request

curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'Authorization: Basic d2hETzR3bmhYaEdLVXp4Ulo2R2dJcVJYT2RXTzU4ODc6eGRuV2MxNjY0cGhKSjZXMWpudXdHalRxWm53MWZna3RUNUpqd2E0UFlMTkluLVlTRjl6OEJiTTByeDN1NTg4Nw==' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
        "coin": "eth",

Request Body

        "coin": "eth",

Response Body

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!