Non-UTXO Consolidation Guide


The Consolidate Transaction feature offers a comprehensive solution for gathering funds from various input addresses within Non-UTXO-based chains and directing them to a specified destination wallet.

Key Points:

  • Primary Use Case: Optimised for managing deposit wallet transactions on Non-UTXO-based chains, smart consolidation is particularly effective on EVM-compatible chains such as Ethereum and Polygon. This approach is crafted to:
    • Secure Assets: It automates the transfer of surplus funds into the secure environment of cold storage, ensuring maximum security.
    • Balance Risk and Convenience: Maintains a minimal balance in the deposit wallet for operational efficiency, while the majority of funds are securely stored in cold storage, striking a balance between accessibility and safety.
  • Important Pre-requisites:
  • Exchanges looking to consolidate can find detailed instructions in our Exchange Guide.
  • Dive into consolidation and its automations by checking out our Smart Consolidation Guide.


Quick Navigation:

  1. Bulk Consolidation with Non-UTXO-Based Chain Wallets
  2. Single Address Consolidation with Non-UTXO-Based Chain Wallets
  3. Bulk Consolidation: Transferring All Tokens from Deposit Wallet to Destination Address
Supported Non-UTXO Chains:
Polygon (Matic)
Binance Smart Chain
COSMOSHUB-4 (Cosmos)
Ripple (XRP)
Tezos (XTZ)
Stellar Lumens (XLM)

Bulk Consolidation with Non-UTXO-Based Chain Wallets

Consolidate funds from all user deposit addresses to a designated target address, amalgamating smaller amounts into a single, larger transaction for enhanced wallet management efficiency.

Consolidating Ethereum to a Target Address:



Important Notes:

  1. Be aware that multiple webhook events will be triggered for each fund received from a source address.
  2. There is no requirement to input a Sequence ID. If a Sequence ID is provided, the API call will replace the entered Sequence ID with its own.


Guidelines for Address Consolidation:

To consolidate all user deposit addresses, simply omit the fromAddress field. However, if you aim to consolidate a specific address, ensure you include the fromAddress in your API call.

Single Address Consolidation with Non-UTXO-Based Chain Wallets

To initiate consolidation from a specific user deposit address, simply incorporate the fromAddress parameter within your API request.

Applicable Use Cases:
This method is particularly useful when immediate fund transfer is necessary, bypassing the scheduled CRON job. Employ this variation of API call to expedite consolidation without the wait.

Consolidating from a specific Ethereum Address:



Please Note:

  • Inputting a Sequence ID is not required. If provided, the API will automatically replace the entered Sequence ID with a system-generated one.
  • For consolidations from a single address, the rules applied will be those configured within the wallet settings.

Bulk Consolidation for Token Transactions on Non-UTXO Chains

Simplify the process of bulk consolidation transactions for tokens on non-UTXO based chains. Efficiently combine multiple token transfers into a single transaction, managing gas fees and ensuring balance sufficiency.

Consolidating DAI Token on Ethereum:


Bulk Consolidation: Transferring All Tokens from Deposit Wallet to Destination Address

This approach streamlines the consolidation process by eliminating the need for clients to set up individual CRON jobs for each token. Instead, they can manage the consolidation of all tokens through a single CRON job utilizing this API.

Example request body for consolidating all tokens from wallet id 1 to specified target address:

         "allAssets": true  



The consolidation process will adhere to the rules currently applied to the wallet. In the absence of predefined rules, default settings will be utilised.