Add Whitelist Address

For enhanced security, destination addresses must be whitelisted before initiating a transaction. In order to do so, you can set the whitelist address policy prior to initiating a transaction. The whitelisted address will appear as a part of the drop-down menu at the transaction request window. The following steps outline the key components of this process

  1. Owner/Admin login to Liminal Vaults, then access the "Settings" menu on the sidebar and click on "Add" under Policy Management.
  2.  Select "Whitelist Address" as the policy type and choose the desired "Wallet" of the transaction you wish to perform.
  1. Select whether the transaction involves an "External" or "Internal" address. 
    For an "External" address, provide a Label name and enter the specific address. 
    For an "Internal" address, choose from the available wallets within the selected organisation.
  2. You can view all whitelisted addresses by clicking on "View" under the Policy Rules section.

Implementing a whitelist address policy ensures an extra layer of security to your account. Upon successfully configuring as outlined in the steps above, you are now well-prepared and ready to initiate your first transaction.

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