Travel Rule policy
The Travel Rule policy is used to set up rules to approve or reject transactions based on the Travel Rule status. It requires you to integrate with a supported Travel Rule provider. Currently, Liminal Firewall supports Notabene for Travel Rule compliance.
Rule parameters
The Travel Rule policy has the following rule parameters:
- Direction: Specifies whether the rule pertains to inbound or outbound transactions. You get the following options to select from:
- Send: Indicates that the rule is applicable to outgoing transactions.
- Receive: Indicates that the rule is applicable to incoming transactions. Note that Liminal currently doesn’t support the incoming transactions (receive) workflow, however, it is in the process to be released soon.
- Protocol: Determines the protocol to which the rule is applied. You get the following options to select from:
- Any: Indicates that the rule is applicable to all protocols.
- Select a protocol from the dropdown. You can only select a single protocol.
- Assets: Determines the assets to which the rule is applied. You get the following options to select from:
- Any: Indicates that the rule is applicable to all assets.
- Select an asset from the dropdown.
- Travel Rule Status (Notabene): Reflects the status of the Travel Rule message associated with this transaction. The statutes along with their descriptions are as follows:
- Any: Any given status.
- Saved: The transaction has been saved but not yet submitted.
- Missing Beneficiary Data: Essential data for the transaction recipient is incomplete or missing.
- New: The transaction is newly created and awaiting further action.
- Waiting For Information: Additional information is required to proceed with the transaction.
- Sent: The transaction is sent to the recipient or next party. Approval is requested from another party.
- Rejected: The transaction is rejected due to non-compliance or other issues.
- Declined: The transaction is not accepted by the recipient or the intended party.
- ACK: Acknowledged; the transaction is recognised by the receiving party.
- Canceled: The transaction is canceled and will not be processed.
- Incomplete: The transaction is not fully processed due to missing components or actions.
- Accepted: The transaction is accepted and is compliant with all required regulations.
- Not Ready: The transaction is not ready for processing due to various preparatory reasons.
- Not Available: Travel Rule is not setup or the API for the Travel Rule transaction has failed due to the missing Travel Rule details in the API request body.
- Not Available: Travel Rule is not setup or the API for the Travel Rule transaction has failed.
- Outcome: This is the outcome of the rule. The outcomes of a transaction can be any one of the following:
- Reject: Indicates that the transaction will be halted (or frozen if incoming).
- Accept: Indicates that the transaction will proceed.
- Approval: Indicates that the transaction requires approval from the dedicated compliance team. Enter the values in the following fields:
- Team Name: This is the name of the compliance team that is required to approve a transaction.
- Min Approval: This is the minimum number of approvals required for a transaction.
To understand rule parameters and outcomes, a few examples of the Travel Rule policy are illustrated in the following table. These examples are just for your reference and not a recommendation.
Send rules (for outgoing transactions)
Order of priority | Protocol | Asset | Travel Rule Status | Outcome | Explanation |
1. | Any | ADA | Any | Accept | All the outgoing transactions for ADA are accepted irrespective of the Travel Rule status. |
2. | Ethereum | Any | Accept, Ack, Saved, Sent | Accept | The transaction is accepted for Ethereum if the Travel Rule status is any one of the following: - Accept - Ack - Saved - Sent |
3. | Any | Any | Rejected, Declined | Reject | The transaction is rejected because either the Travel Rule returned “Rejected” or the transaction is declined by the beneficiary VASP. |
4. | Any | Any | Not Available | Reject | The transaction is rejected because the Travel Rule status is “Not Available”. Note that all the ADA transactions will still be accepted due to rule number 1. |
5. | Any | Any | Any | Reject | "Reject" is the rule for outgoing transactions when a transaction doesn't match any rules. |
Receive rules (for incoming transactions)
Order of priority | Protocol | Asset | Travel Rule Status | Outcome | Explanation |
1. | Any | ADA | Any | Accept | The incoming transactions are accepted for ADA, BTC, and ETH. |
2. | Any | Any | Decline, Reject | Reject | The transaction risk score is severe, so the transaction is rejected. |
3. | Any | Any | Any | Accept | “Accept” is the outcome for all incoming transactions when a transactions doesn't match any rules. |
Updated 5 months ago