Smart Refill Wallet

Manual asset transfers from a cold wallet to a withdrawal wallet requires constant monitoring of your withdrawal wallet balance and timely transfers. While this approach ensures security and accountability, it also causes delays and disruption in your services.

Liminal offers Smart Refill Wallet, a feature designed to automate asset transfers from a cold wallet to a hot withdrawal wallet in a secure manner. It's intended for businesses who want to ensure that their withdrawal wallet always has a minimum balance for smooth and uninterrupted transactions. Its key benefits include the following:

  • Automated transactions - Smart Refill Wallet automatically transfers assets to your hot withdrawal wallet when its balance falls below the defined threshold. You can pre-set rules and conditions for these transfers.
  • Customisation - You can configure the conditions for initiating a refill. This includes specifying the balance threshold that triggers a refill, the amount to transfer, and the frequency of these transfers.
  • Transfer any asset - You can transfer both native and other assets from a specific chain wallet.
    Security: Smart Refill Wallet is particularly useful for multi-signature (multisig) wallets, enhancing security and control over your assets.



  • This feature supports only EVM chains.